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Products of the Month 2016 roundup – not a partridge in sight

Products of the Month 2016 roundup – not a partridge in sight

It’s that time of the year when we look back on the 12 months that have just gone – and that means reviewing our 12 Products of the Month for 2016.

You could say we are showcasing what could be 12 lifting and powered access machines for Christmas – and if you have a partridge in a pear tree, we could certainly help you reach it.

So, here goes. It’s the Hird Top 12 for 2016:



Grove GMK 3050 mobile crane

This highly flexible and capable crane has been kept busy all year, including helping Hull get ready for its City of Culture celebrations in 2017. It has a maximum lifting capacity of 50 tonnes, and a maximum tip height of 40.1 metres. The mobile crane is available for hire and for contract lifting projects during 2017. Give it a wave if you see it out and about!


Grove GMK3050 mobile crane





Hinowa 23.12 IIIS tracked spider boom

As we said at the time, this spider boom typifies the principle that it’s best to keep things simple. In this case, it means this tracked spider boom is one of the easiest to operate in the powered access hire market. With a maximum working height of 23m and a maximum outreach of 11.4m, it performs brilliantly too.


Hinowa 23.12 IIIS tracked spider boom





Angled forklift attachment

The angled forklift attachment takes simplicity to a whole new level, along with effective low-cost lifting. It can quickly be attached to the forks of a forklift truck or a telehandler. It can also be combined with other attachments such as vacuum lifters, or stone grabs.







SK1000 stone vacuum lifter

SK1000 stone vacuum lifters can lift stone slabs or sheets weighing up to 1,000kg. It is designed to lift both porous and non-porous stone. Other materials it can handle include drywall construction panels, plaster board, structural insulated panels (SIPs) and metal slabs or sheets.


Stone vac SK1000 stone lifter





Valla 90E pick and carry mini crane

Fantastic lifting performance and a slim-Jim frame make this a great pick and carry crane for operating in confined spaces. It has maximum safe lifting weight of 9 tonnes, yet is just 1.73 metres wide. This makes it perfect for machinery lifting in factories and operating in petro-chemical plants. Even down mines!


Valla 90E - Pick and carry crane





Maeda MC305-2 mini spider crane

The Maeda MC305-2 spider crane’s compact design, combined with excellent lifting capability makes this a mighty machine. It has a maximum safe working load (SWL) of 2.98 tonnes at a radius of 2.5m. Yet the spider crane is only 1208 millimetres wide and 1695 millimetres high, when in its stowed configuration.


Maeda MC305_2 - Mini crane





BoSS X3X-SP self-propelled micro scissor lift

We described the BoSS X3X-SP self-propelled scissor lift as giving our customers the edge, and that is what the machines have been doing all year. These low-level access working platforms combine excellent performance and safety with great reliability and low cost powered access hire rates.


Boss X3X - Personnel lift





Valla 180 pick and carry mini crane

It’s the largest industrial mini crane in our Manitex Valla mini crane hire fleet and is in great demand thanks to its flexibility and contribution to safe lifting. The Valla 180 mini crane has a maximum safe lifting capacity of 18 tonnes and is ideal for machinery moving projects.


Valla 180E - Pick and carry crane





Minifor TR50 material hoist

From the mighty Valla 180 to the mini material hoist with the big job to do, often on construction sites. The Minifor TR50 material hoist can lift up to 500kg, and when combined with other lifting equipment, such as counterbalance floor cranes and vacuum lifters, is perfect for glass lifting tasks.







Grove GMK 4100L mobile crane

And… back to the mighty again. This time, it’s the Grove GMK 4100L mobile crane, currently the big beast in our crane lifting hire and contract hire fleet. Its lifting capacity of 100 tonnes, and 1.6 tonnes at a radius of 48 metres makes it an excellent crane for use on construction sites or for facilities management.







Wienold MFC750 counterbalance floor crane

We’re quickly approaching the end of the year now – and it was time to bring out two big guns in one counterbalance floor crane. The new Wienold MFC750 has been designed to Hird’s specification, and is two mini floor cranes in one. In short-wheel base mode it can lift 500kg. In extended chassis mode that goes up to a whopping 750kg. Impressive.


Weinold MFC750K + Ks - Counterbalance floor crane




Hydraulica 1200.2 glass vacuum lifter

So, here we are, back in December again. And here’s a great way to end the year, with the all-new Hydraulica 1200.2 glass vacuum lifter. This machine has been designed to meet the latest challenges in glass lifting, including lifting oddly shaped glass panels and curved glass panels. It keeps Hird on the cutting edge of glass vacuum lifter hire, which is where we aim to stay in 2017.


Hydraulica 1200.2 Vacuum Lifter



We have a lot of new exciting lifting and powered access products planned for 2017, so keep an eye on our website. We’re proud to be a UK leader in lifting. If you have a project that needs our support in 2017, we would love to hear from you.

We also provide fully-accredited powered access, crane operating and glass lifting training.
Call us in 2017!

Northern 01482 227333


Central 01302 341659


Southern 0203 174 0658


