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Hird beefs up mini crane hire fleet with Valla 250E

Hird beefs up mini crane hire fleet with Valla 250E

It’s always the big question – beef or turkey? Well, Hird has gone for beef!

We’re talking, of course, about what’s going to be the centre piece on the Christmas dinner table.

In this case, we’re also talking about Hird beefing up its pick and carry crane hire fleet in time for Christmas – with the addition of the Valla 250E pick and carry crane.

And, boy, is the Valla 250E beefy!

Sugar plum crane

The compact crane has a maximum safe working load of 25 tonnes, which is equivalent to 20 Mini Coopers.

Yet it can carry out lifts up to that weight with all the precision and dexterity of the sugar plum fairy.

Pirouetting on its articulating rear axle to be positioned in exactly the right spot to control and carry out lifts safely in the most constrained space imaginable for a piece of kit of this size and power.

The Valla 250E has become the highest capacity machine in the Hird mini crane hire fleet.

Like all the latest Valla cranes, it combines this power with flexibility and finesse.


Wireless remote control

As an electric pick and carry crane, with non-marking tyres, it is just as much at home working indoors as outdoors.

Therefore, it is ideal for carrying out tasks such as machinery moving and installation, or building maintenance and reconfiguration in factories and process plants.

The advanced battery and power control systems ensure that the crane will keep on working for a long shift and beyond, with no loss of capability

It has a sit-in cab, but its drive and lift functions can also be controlled with a remote control console, allowing the operator to stand away, or get even closer if that helps the lift.

Valla V Range - wireless remote control
Wireless remote control

For a powerful pick and carry crane, the Valla 250E is surprisingly compact.

It is just 5831mm long from the tip of its stowed lifting block to the rear bumper, 2320mm wide, and 2319mm high when stowed.

The mini crane has a maximum working height of 12.80m (SWL 3.6t) and maximum radius of 9.7m (SWL 1.9t).

Sustainable lifting

This level of performance means the Valla 250E is frequently going to be a more effective and sustainable option than the first lifting solution most consider, a mobile crane.

Often, there will be less setting up work to be carried out, less site disruption, lifts can be completed more quickly, and more sustainably, given that the Valla 250E is battery electric powered.

As a pick and carry crane, it also simplifies lifting and moving process, which is always a good think – as it reduces manual handling, reduces the size of lifting teams (and therefore costs) while maximising safety.

Like other new Valla cranes entering the Hird pick and carry crane hire fleet, the 250E can be combined with a range of lifting accessories, including forks and a winch.

When fitted with forks, for example, it has a SWL of 10t, a maximum working height of 12.8m (SWL 800kg) and maximum radius of 11m (SWL 100kg).

3B6 load monitoring

Like all Valla pick and carry cranes Hird operates, it has a high-performance 3B6 digital load monitoring system to ensure lifts are safe and optimised.

Sectors the Valla 250E is designed to excel in include construction, machinery moving, steel erection, factory maintenance, demolition, artwork installation and building maintenance.

Hird can offer Valla mini cranes for hire with capacities from the Valla 22E (SWL 2.25T) right up to the 250E’s 25t. It means our clients can select precisely the right crane for the job in hand.

There is no compromise. The best lifting solution can be selected every time: that means safest, quickest, most cost-effective and most sustainable.

Find out more

Talk to Hird’s expert mini crane hire team about how Valla pick and carry cranes can support your lifting requirements in 2023.

Hird also has a mobile crane hire service, and can carry out full contract lifts anywhere in the UK.

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